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Helping you and me escape the 9 to 5…because living for the weekend is no way to live.

Tech Must-haves for WFH

labore et dolore magna ali enim ad minim veniam

Now’s The Time. Carpe Diem!

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BG Metropolitan

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisilit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt  

Work from Home

The works were completed on the residential building BG Modern Gallery and the first tenants already moved in. Click on the See Appartment button below for more.

Office Supplies Junkie

Looking for the perfect pens, stationery, technology, and more for your office? Check out my other blog, Office Supplies Junkie for all this and more! 

Latest News

We post often to our blog to keep you updated with the latest insights and trends.

  • I’m on a mission to escape the commute. After spending most of my life working traditional 9 to 5s  in industries ranging from education to fina...

  • For now, I'm escaping the commute by default, but my ultimate goal is to escape it by choice and careful design. I hope you join me on this journey, a...

  • Nec harum bonorum menandri ei. Idque noluisse te vix, mel sonet nihil te, ut solum option consulatu cum. Ex clita tacimates inimicus usu, facer alter...